AAS 681 Asian American Community Changes and Development

AAS 681 Angel Island

About Us

George Woo and Judy Seto led and participated in the 168/69 Black Student Union and Third World Liberation Front strike for Ethnic Studies at San Francisco State University. Rooted in community-driven education, the first faculty of Asian American Studies, including Woo, established the course AAS 681: Community Changes and Development, where students engage in service learning with local communities. A required course in the major of Asian American Studies, students must complete 60 hours of service learning. Our internship coordinator, Dr. Chrissy Yee Lau, places student majors with local organizations to develop, as well as contribute, skills around community organizing for social justice. At the end of the course, students reflect and share about their service-learning experience. Here is a collection of student blogs. 

Internship Coordinator

Student Blogs