Faculty Publications & Productions
AAS Faculty have long been pioneers in producing numerous research, scholarship and creative works (RSCA) that expand and reflect the nuanced stories of Asian America. Thus, the research, scholarship and creative works produced by AAS faculty have been a valuable contribution to the general foundation of knowledge worldwide, and they are often regarded as manifestations of empowerment for various communities. Their works come in different media, including journals, books, film, video, performances and more.
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Faculty Books
In alphabetical order according to AAS faculty name.

At 40 Photo
Jeffery Paul Chan, et al., eds. At 40: Asian American Studies @ San Francisco State: Self-Determination, Community, Student Service. San Francisco: Asian American Studies Department, San Francisco State University, 2009.

The Coming Man
Philip P. Choy, Lorraine Dong, and Marlon K. Hom. The Coming Man, 19th Century American Perceptions of the Chinese. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd. and Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1994.

The Coming Man (Chinese edition)
Philip P. Choy, Lorraine Dong, and Marlon K. Hom. Meiguo zaoqi manhuazhong de Huaren [Early American Pictorials of the Chinese]. Chinese language ed. of The Coming Man. Hong Kong: Sanlian shudian (Xianggang) youxian gongsi, 1994.

The Coming Man (Japanese edition)
Philip P. Choy, Lorraine Dong, and Marlon K. Hom. Kamingu man: Juukyuu seki Amerika no seiji fuushi manga no naka no Chuugokujin [Coming Man: Chinese in Political Cartoons in 19th Century America]. Japanese ed. of The Coming Man. Tr. Yujiro Murata and Yoshiyuki Kido. Tokyo: Heibonsha Ltd., Publishers, 1997.

War Baby / Love Child
Laura Kina and Wei Ming Dariotis, eds. War Baby / Love Child: Mixed Race Asian American Art. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2013.

Filipinos in San Francisco
Filipino American National Historical Society, Manilatown Heritage Foundation, and Pin@y Educational Partnerships, with Daniel P.Gonzales and Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales, eds. Filipinos in San Francisco. Mount Pleasant, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2011.

Songs of Gold Mountain
Marlon K. Hom. Songs of Gold Mountain: Cantonese Rhymes from San Francisco Chinatown. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. [American Book Award, 1988]

Faithful Generations
Russell Jeung. Faithful Generations: Race and New Asian American Churches. New Brunswick, NY: Rutgers University Press, 2004.

Sustaining Faith Traditions in America
Carolyn Chen and Russell Jeung, eds. Sustaining Faith Traditions: Religion, Race, and Ethnicity among the Latino and Asian American Second Generation. New York: New York University Press, 2012.

History of Okinawans in North America
Ben Kobashigawa, tr. History of the Okinawans in North America. By The Okinawa Club of America. Los Angeles: Asian American Studies Center, UCLA and The Okinawa Club of North America, 1989.

Imin no Aiwa
Ben Kobashigawa, tr. Imin no Aiwa [Sad Tale of an Immigrant]. By Kochi Shinsei. Los Angeles: The Okinawan Community, 1978

The Age of Asian Migration: Continuity, Diversity, and Susceptibility
Yuk Wah Chan, David Haines, and Jonathan H.X. Lee, eds. The Age of Asian Migration: Continuity, Diversity, and Susceptibility. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.

Asian American Identities and Practices: Folkloric Expressions in Everyday Life
Jonathan H.X. Lee and Kathleen Nadeau, eds. Asian American Identities and Practices: Folkloric Expressions in Everyday Life. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books-Rowman & Littlefield, 2014. Cover art by Betty Nobue Kano.

Auburn’s Joss House
Jonathan H.X. Lee. Auburn’s Joss House: Preserving the Past for the Future (The Auburn Chinese Ling Ying Association House). Auburn, CA: Auburn Joss House Museum and Chinese History Center, 2004.

Cambodian American Experiences
Jonathan H.X. Lee, ed. Cambodian American Experiences: Histories, Communities, Cultures, and Identities. Dubuque, IA: Kendall and Hunt Publishing Company, 2010. Also published with an accompanyingStudy Guide.

Contemporary Issues in Southeast Asian American Studies
Jonathan H.X. Lee and Roger Viet Chung, eds. Contemporary Issues in Southeast Asian American Studies. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing, 2011.

Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife, 3 Vols.
Jonathan H.X. Lee and Kathleen Nadeau, eds. Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife. 3 vols. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2011.

Hanford’s Taoist Temple and Museum
Jonathan H.X. Lee. Hanford’s Taoist Temple and Museum (#12 China Alley): Preserving a Chinese American Treasure. Hanford, CA: Hanford Taoist Temple Preservation Society, 2004.

History of Asian Americans: Exploring Diverse Roots
Jonathan H.X. Lee. History of Asian Americans: Exploring Diverse Roots. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO-Greenwood Press, 2015.

Laotians in the San Francisco Bay Area
Jonathan H.X. Lee and The Center for Lao Studies. Laotians in the San Francisco Bay Area. Mount Pleasant, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2012.

Southeast Asian Diaspora in the United States: Memories and Visions, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Jonathan H.X. Lee, ed. Southeast Asian Diaspora in the United States: Memories and Visions, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.

Temple of Kwan Tai
Jonathan H.X. Lee. The Temple of Kwan Tai: Celebrating Community and Diversity, Mendocino, CA. Mendocino, CA: Temple of Kwan Tai Inc., 2004.

This Is All I Choose to Tell
Isabelle Thuy Pelaud. This Is All I Choose to Tell: History and Hybridity in Vietnamese American Literature. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2011.

Troubling Borders: An Anthology of Art and Literature
Isabelle Pelaud, Lan Duong, Mariam Lam, and Kathy L. Nguyen, eds.Troubling Borders: An Anthology of Art and Literature by Southeast Asian Women in the Diaspora. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2013.

Kilusan 4 Kids
Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales with Pin@y Educational Partnerships and San Francisco Unified School District. Kilusan 4 Kids: Critical Language for Elementary School Students. Vol. 1. Santa Clara, CA: Phoenix Publishing House International, 2013.

Pin@y Educational Partnerships: A Filipina/o American Studies Source Book–Volume 1
Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales. Pin@y Educational Partnerships: A Filipina/o American Studies Sourcebook. Vol. 1: Philippine and Filipina/o American History. Santa Clara, CA: Phoenix Publishing House International, 2007.

Pin@y Educational Partnerships: A Filipina/o American Studies Source Book–Volume 2
Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales. Pin@y Educational Partnerships: A Filipina/o American Studies Sourcebook. Vol. 2: Filipina/o American Identities, Activism, and Service. Santa Clara, CA: Phoenix Publishing House International, 2009.

Caring Across Generations: The Linked Lives of Korean American Families
Grace J. Yoo and Barbara W. Kim. Caring across Generations: The Linked Lives of Korean American Families.New York: New York University Press, 2014.

Encyclopedia of Asian American Issues Today, 2 Vols.
Edith Wen-Chu Chen and Grace J. Yoo, eds. Encyclopedia of Asian American Issues Today. 2 vols. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Publishing, 2010.

Handbook of Asian American Health
Grace J. Yoo, Mai Nhung Le, and Alan Y. Oda, eds. Handbook of Asian American Health. New York: Springer Publishing, 2012.

Koreans in America
Grace J. Yoo, ed. Koreans in America: History, Identity, and Community. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing, 2012.
Adjunct Faculty Books

Architecture of San Francisco Chinatown
Philip P. Choy. The Architecture of San Francisco Chinatown. San Francisco: Chinese Historical Society of America, 2008.

Canton Footprints
Philip P. Choy. Canton Footprints: Sacramento’s Chinese Legacy. Sacramento, CA: Chinese American Council of Sacramento, 2007.

The Coming Man
Philip P. Choy, Lorraine Dong, and Marlon K. Hom. The Coming Man, 19th Century American Perceptions of the Chinese. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd. and Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1994.

The Coming Man (Chinese edition)
Philip P. Choy, Lorraine Dong, and Marlon K. Hom. Meiguo zaoqi manhuazhong de Huaren [Early American pictorials of the Chinese]. Chinese language ed. of The Coming Man. Hong Kong: Sanlian shudian (Xianggang) youxian gongsi, 1994.

The Coming Man (Japanese edition)
Philip P. Choy, Lorraine Dong, and Marlon K. Hom. Kamingu man: Juukyuu seki Amerika no seiji fuushi manga no naka no Chuugokujin[Coming Man: Chinese in Political Cartoons in 19th Century America]. Japanese ed. of The Coming Man. Tr. Yujiro Murata and Yoshiyuki Kido. Tokyo: Heibonsha Ltd., Publishers, 1997.

History of Chinese Camp
Anne Bloomfield with Benjamin F.H. Ananian and Philip P. Choy.History of Chinese Camp Cultural Resources Inventory, Tuolumne County, California. Sonora, CA: Tuolumne County Historic Preservation Review Commission.

A History of the Chinese in California, A Syllabus
Thomas W. Chinn with H. Mark Lai and Philip P. Choy. A History of the Chinese in California: A Syllabus. San Francisco: Chinese Historical Society of America, 1969.

H. Mark Lai and Philip P. Choy. Outlines: History of the Chinese in America. San Francisco: [AAS at SFSU] Chinese-American Studies Planning Group, 1971.

San Francisco Chinatown
Philip P. Choy. San Francisco Chinatown: A Guide to Its History and Architecture. San Francisco: City Lights Publisher, 2012.

Chinese and Western Style Architecture in Guangdong Qiaoxiang
Zheng Dehua鄭德華. The Chinese and Western Style Architecture in Guangdong Qiaoxiang 廣東僑鄉建築文化. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co. Ltd. 三聯書店(香港)有限公司, 2003.

Sunning Railway and the Taishan County
Zheng Dehua鄭德華 and Lucie Cheng成露西. Sunning Railway and the Taishan County 台山僑鄉與新寧鐵路. Guangzhou廣州: Zhongshan University Press中山大學出版社, 1991.
Emeriti Faculty Books

Jeffery Paul Chan, Frank Chin, and Lawson Fusao Inada, eds.Aiiieeeee!: An Anthology of Asian-American Writers. Washington, DC: Howard University Press, 1974.

Big Aiiieeeee!
Frank Chin, Jeffery Paul Chan, Lawson Fusao Inada, and Shawn Wong, eds. The Big Aiiieeeee!: An Anthology of Chinese American and Japanese American Literature. New York: Plume-Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 1991.

Eat Everything Before You Die
Jeffery Paul Chan. Eat Everything Before You Die. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2004.

Asians in America
Malcolm Collier, ed. Asians in America: A Reader. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Co., 1993. Revised as Asian American Experience (2009).

Visual Anthropology
John Collier and Malcolm Collier. Visual Anthropology: Photography as a Research Method. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1986.

Malcolm Collier Website
Photographs of Asian American communities, as well as essays and publications on the Asian American experience and visual research methods.
Film, Video, and Other Art Forms

Chan Is Missing
Laureen Chew, actress. Chan Is Missing. Wayne Wang Productions. 1982.

Dim Sum
Laureen Chew, actress. Dim Sum: A Little Bit of Heart. Wayne Wang Productions. 1985.

Forbidden City, USA
Lorraine Dong, contributing writer. Forbidden City, USA. A 59-minute documentary film. A DeepFocus Production film by Arthur Dong. 1989.

Lorraine Dong, co-writer. Lotus. A 27-minute dramatic film. A DeepFocus Production film by Arthur Dong. 1988.

Sewing Woman
Lorraine Dong, writer. Sewing Woman. A 14-minute fictional documentary. A DeepFocus Production film by Arthur Dong. 1982. [Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Nominee for Best Documentary Short, 1984]

Happy Birthday Mazu
Jonathan H.X. Lee. Happy Birthday Mazu—Empress of Heaven, Goddess of the Sea. Documentary film. East Meets West Education Film Production. 2008.

Isabelle Thuy Pelaud. Letgo. Art Installation. A Place of Her Own. An exhibition sponsored by the Asian American Women Artists Association (AAWA). SOMArts Cultural Center Main Gallery, San Francisco. Apr.-May 2011.

She Who Has No Master: A Triptych
Julie Thi Underhill, Dao Strom, and Isabelle Thuy Pelaud. She Who Has No Master: A Triptych. A 22 min. experimental film.

Without These Rocks
Isabelle Thuy Pelaud. Without These Rocks. Art installation. 2010.

All Orientals Look the Same
Valerie Soe. "ALL ORIENTALS LOOK THE SAME." A 1.30 min. experimental video. 1986.

Valerie Soe. art/film/revolution. A 60 sec. experimental video. 2006.

Beyond Asiaphilia
Valerie Soe. Beyond Asiaphilia. A 14 min. experimental video. 1997.

Carefully Taught
Valerie Soe. Carefully Taught. A 4 min. experimental video. 2002.

The Chinese Gardens
Valerie Soe. The Chinese Gardens. A 17 min. experimental documentary. 2012. [Best Film with an Immigration Theme Award, Humboldt Film Festival, 2013]

Mixed Blood
Valerie Soe. Mixed Blood. A 20 min. multi-channel installation. 1992.

New Year
Valerie Soe. New Year, Parts I & II. A 23 min. multi-channel installation. 1987.

The Oak Park Story
Valerie Soe and Russell Jeung. The Oak Park Story. A 22 min. documentary. 2010.

Picturing Oriental Girls: A (Re) Educational Videotape
Valerie Soe. Picturing Oriental Girls: A (Re) Educational Videotape. A 12 min. experimental video. 1992.

Six Months of the Korean American Male
Valerie Soe. Snapshot: Six Months of the Korean American Male. A 4.30 min. experimental video. 2007.

Stories Untold: Memories of Korean War Survivors
Grace Yoo. Stories Untold: Memories of Korean War Survivors. A 56-min. documentary. 2002.
Curatorial Work

The Chinese of America: Toward a More Perfect Union
Philip P. Choy, Lorraine Dong, Marlon K. Hom, and Him Mark Lai, curators. The Chinese of America: Toward a More Perfect Union. Main exhibit. San Francisco: Chinese Historical Society of America Museum, 2001-2014.

War Baby/Love Child: Mixed Race Asian American Art
Laura Kina and Wei Ming Dariotis, curators. War Baby/Love Child: Mixed Race Asian American Art. Seattle: Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience, Aug. 8, 2013-Jan. 19, 2014.

Chop Suey on Wax
Arthur Dong, Lorraine Dong, and Irene Poon, curators. Chop Suey on Wax: The Flower Drum Song Album. San Francisco: Chinese Historical Society of America Museum, Aug. 29-Dec. 17, 2006.

Dreams, Realities and Challenges
Irene Poon Andersen, Lorraine Dong, Katherine General, Lynne Wong, and Nancy Yin, curators. Dreams, Realities, and Challenges: A Pictorial Exhibit on the Founding of Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University. San Francisco: Chinese Historical Society of America Museum, Jan. 23-Dec. 31, 1999.

Facing the Camera
Lorraine Dong, Irene Poon, and Jeannie Woo, curators. Facing the Camera: Photographs from the Daniel K.E. Ching Collection. San Francisco: Chinese Historical Society of America Museum, 2001.

Trading on Fear
Lorraine Dong, Laureen D. Hom, and Irene Poon, curators. Trading on Fear: Chinese Images in American Trade Cards. San Francisco: Chinese Historical Society of America Museum, Mar. 15-July 31, 2005.

Troubling Borders
Lan Duong and Isabelle Thuy Pelaud, curators. Troubling Borders: Southeast Asian Women in the Diaspora Art. Exhibition. University of California, Riverside. June-Oct. 2012.
The Yellow Journal

The Yellow Journal
The Yellow Journal is an annual publication of the Asian American Studies Department at SF State that showcases student works from various AAS and Ethnic Studies courses throughout the year. It is partially funded by the University’s Instructionally Related Activities grant. The journal began in 1983 under Professor Jeffery P. Chan (1983-2005). Professors Lorraine Dong (2003-09), Malcolm Collier (2003), Anantha Sudhakar (2014- present) and Wesley Ueunten (2010-present) became subsequent faculty advisors for the journal.
Co-sponsored Journals and Publications

Co-sponsored Journal with the Chinese Historical Society of America
From 1989-92 and 1997-2007, Asian American Studies co-sponsored with the Chinese Historical Society of America, the country’s first and still extant journal dedicated to the study of Chinese America entitled, Chinese America: History and Perspectives. The 2007 volume is dedicated to the conference proceedings of “Branching Out the Banyan Tree” that was co-sponsored by AAS and CHSA in 2005.

A Community Secret: The Story of Two Filipinas
Agtuca, Jacqueline R. A Community Secret: The Story of Two Filipinas. San Francisco: Asian Women’s Shelter, 1992. Co-sponsored publication with Asian Women’s Shelter.

A Community Secret: For the Filipina in an Abusive Relationship
Agtuca, Jacqueline R. A Community Secret: For the Filipina in an Abusive Relationship. Seattle: Seal Press, 1994. Co-sponsored publication with Asian Women’s Shelter.

The Repeal and Its Legacy: Proceedings of the Conference on the 50th Anniversary of the Repeal of the Exclusion Acts, November 12-14, 1993
Chinese Historical Society of America, and Asian American Studies Department, San Francisco State University. The Repeal and Its Legacy: Proceedings of the Conference on the 50th Anniversary of the Repeal of the Exclusion Acts, November 12-14, 1993. San Francisco: Chinese Historical Society of America, 1994.

Facing the Camera: Photographs from the Daniel K.E. Ching Collection
Chinese Historical Society of America, and Asian American Studies Department, San Francisco State University. Facing the Camera: Photographs from the Daniel K.E. Ching Collection. Museum exhibition catalog. San Francisco: Chinese Historical Society of America, 2001.

Statewide Conference for, by, and about Asian American and Pacific Islander Women and Breast and Cervical Cancer Proceedings, Oct. 27, 2001
Yoo, Grace J., ed. Statewide Conference for, by, and about Asian American and Pacific Islander Women and Breast and Cervical Cancer Proceedings, Oct. 27, 2001. San Francisco: San Francisco State University, [2003]. Co-sponsored publication and conference with the National Cancer Institute; Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum; Asian and Pacific Islander National Cancer Survivors Network; Asian American Network for Cancer Awareness, Research & Training (AANCART) National and AANCART-UCSF; Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation San Francisco Affiliate; American Cancer Society (California Division); California Department of Health Services Cancer Detection Section; California Endowment; SFSU Asian Student Union; and SFSU Student Health Services.

“The Heathen Chinee”: Stereotypes of Chinese in Popular Music
Chinese Historical Society of America, and Asian American Studies Department, San Francisco State University. “The Heathen Chinee”: Stereotypes of Chinese in Popular Music. Museum exhibition catalog. San Francisco: Chinese Historical Society of America, 2003.

International Symposium on International Migration and Qiaoxiang Studies Conference Proceedings
Guangdong Qiaoxiang Cultural Research Center, Wuyi University, Chinese Institute for Overseas Chinese History Studies, and Asian American Studies Department, San Francisco State University.International Symposium on International Migration and Qiaoxiang Studies Conference Proceedings. 2 vols. Jiangmen, PRC: Wuyi University, 2012.

Yinxin and the Wuyi Qiaoxiang Society. 2 Vols.
Zhang Guoxiong 張國雄, Zhao Hongying 趙紅英, and Zeng Luling 曾露凌 (Lorraine Dong), Yinxin and the Wuyi Qiaoxiang Society. 2 vols. 国际移民与侨乡研究. Zhongguo Huaqiao chubanshe 中國華僑出版社 [Overseas Chinese Press of China], Beijing, 2014
- Lorraine Dong, "Leaving Home for a Home: Asian Immigration to America in American Children's Literature" (46-59).
- Isabelle Thuy Pelaud, "On the Subject of Telling: le thi diem thuy's The Gangster We Are All Looking For" (72-85).
- Eric Pido, "The Balikbayan Economy: Filipino Americans in the Contemporary Transformation of the Philippines" (86-98)
- Zheng Dehua (Adjunct Faculty), "On the Formation of Guangdong Qiaoxiang" (175-190)
- Marlon Hom, "Subversive Translation: Linguistic Resistance in Chinese Exclusions in Chinatown Chinese Expressions" (3-18)
- Philip Choy (Adjunct Faculty), "Canton Footprints: Sacramento's Chinese Legacy" (34-51)
- Valerie Soe, "Hidden Histories: The Chinese Gardens Documentary Film Project" (52-59)
- Russell Jeung, "Keeping the Tradition: A Comparison of Cantonese and Mandarin-speaking Chinese American Immigrants" (84-104)
- Jeannie Woo, "Avocado and Ketchup Sandwich: Tertiary Migration Understandings" (105-115)
Other Publications

H. Mark Lai and Philip P. Choy. Outlines: History of the Chinese in America. San Francisco: [AAS at SFSU] Chinese-American Studies Planning Group, 1971.

Meiguo Huawen jiaoyü luncong
Pui-Chee Leung. 美國華文教育論叢 [Essays on Chinese Education in the United States]. San Francisco: Asian American Studies Department, San Francisco State University/Beijing: Zhongguo Huaqiao chubanshe, 2014.

Nanyin yü Yueou zhi yanjiu: A Study of Nan Yin and Yue Ou
Pui-Chee Leung. 南音與粵謳之研究: A Study of Nan Yin and Yue Ou. San Francisco: Asian American Studies, San Francisco State University, 1988.