
Gator Smart Start

Gator Smart Start partners with local high schools, incoming students, and current SF State Gators to ensure students excel in their English composition (writing) and quantitative reasoning (math) courses.

Visit Gator Smart Start

First Year Experience

From the heart of a diverse community, San Francisco State University honors its legacy by promoting social justice and equity, and inspiring the courage to lead and collaborate. In the first-year, students forge and further develop personal, academic and community identities and literacies in dialogue with San Francisco State University’s history of social justice, equity and inclusion.

Visit First Year Experience

Student Health Services

San Francisco State University Student Health Services provides accessible and low–cost quality health care to all SF State students. Their goal is to help students develop the skills and knowledge to manage their health.

Visit Student Health Services

The Queer & Trans Resource Center

Rooted in the ancestral legacy of queer activists and visionaries and San Francisco State University’s commitment to social justice and community engagement, the Queer & Trans Resource Center endeavors to offer LGBTQQIA-related events, services, and resources to students.

Visit The Queer & Trans Resource Center

COVID-19 Resources

An aggregation of all resources and information on COVID-19.

Visit COVID-19 Resources

Software for Students (via Instructional Continuity)

A handy list of software provided to SFSU students including links to downloads. Part of the Instructional Continuity site, which contains helpful tips for learning and studying during remote instruction.

Visit Software for Students (via Instructional Continuity)

Dean-On-Call Program

The Dean-On-Call Program is a means to provide real-time support to students who may be experiencing difficulties in navigating the university environment.

Visit Dean-On-Call Program

Gator Connect

Gator Connect is a new, easy-to-use platform for networking and professional mentorship — designed exclusively for San Francisco State University students, alumni, staff, faculty and friends.

Visit Gator Connect