Laureen Chew, EdD
Professor, Asian American Studies Department
Office: EP 418
Phone: 415-338-3495
Email: laureenc@sfsu.edu
1981 Year of first appointment in Asian American Studies
Emeritus Faculty Biography
- EdD University of the Pacific
- Major Curriculum and Instruction, emphasis in Bilingual Cross-Cultural Education
- Minors Educational Psychology and Educational Administration
- MA Elementary Education, San Francisco State University
- BA Chinese, San Francisco State University
- 320 Chinese in the United States
- 323 Chinese American Identities
- 518 Asian Americans and Mass Media
Asian American Studies Exemplar Award, College of Ethnic Studies
Self-Help for the Elderly
Title VII ESEA Bilingual Teacher Training Grant
- Title VII ESEA Bilingual Teacher Training Grant
- Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award, National Education Association
- College of Ethnic Studies MA Program Coordinator
- All University Teacher Education Committee
- Former Associate Dean, College of Ethnic Studies (2006-12)
- Former Elementary Education Department Chair (2001-06)
“A Journey to 20 Days in the âHole.’” At 40: Asian American Studies at San Francisco State. Ed. Jeffery Paul Chan et al. San Francisco: AAS Department, San Francisco State University. 19-24.
Actress. Dim Sum Take-Out. Wayne Wang Productions.
Actress. Dim Sum: A Little Bit of Heart. Wayne Wang Productions.
Actress. Q It Up. Prod. Spencer Nakasako.
Actress. Chan Is Missing. Wayne Wang Productions.
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