Grace J. Yoo 유진미, M.P.H., Ph.D.
Professor, Asian American Studies Department
AAS Major/Minor Advisor
Office: EP 412
Email: gracey@sfsu.edu
Faculty Biography
- Ph.D. University of California at San Francisco, Sociology
- M.P.H. Loma Linda University, Public Health
- B.A. University of California at Irvine, Social Sciences
Asian American health and social support; Korean American history and experience
- 210 History of Asians in the United States
- 211 Contemporary Asian Americans
- 360 Koreans in the United States
- 591 Asian American Community Health Issues
- 681 Asian American Community Changes and Development
- 697 Proseminar in Asian American Studies
- 710 Critical Approaches to Asian American Studies
- 833 Seminar: Asian American Family and Identity
- 875 Asian American Community Health Issues
American Sociological Association/Asia & Asian American Section Best Book Award
Research Structure in Minority Institutions (RIMI) Grant, National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities and National Cancer Institute
Research Structure in Minority Institutions (RIMI) Grant, National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities and National Cancer Institute
Special Populations Network Grant, National Cancer Institute
National Cancer Institute Grant
- Asian American Research Center on Health
- San Francisco Hep B Free Campaign, Partner
- AAS Major/Minor Advisors
- Administrative Search Committee Pool
- Committee on Written English Proficiency, (2018-present)
- First-Year Experience Committee, (2017-present), Chair
- Lower Division Certification Committee of BRC (L.D.D.C.) (2014-2017), Chair & (2017-present), Member
- Faculty Advisor (Korean Student Association - KSA)
- AAS Dept Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Chair
- Student Success & Graduation Initiative Task Force (2016 - 2019)
- University Research Council (2018 - present)
- with Ellen G. Levine and Caryn Aviv. "Predictors of Quality of Life among Ethnically Diverse Breast Cancer Survivors."(link is external) Applied Research in Quality of Life: 1-16.
- with Joseph R. Domingo, Jeff Henne, Rita Shiau, and Melissa A. Sanchez. "HBV Testing and Vaccinations among Asian and Pacific Islander Patients: Understanding the Impact of the San Francisco Hepatitis B Free Campaign on Physician Awareness.(link is external)" California Journal of Health Promotion, 10(3)15-25.
- with Susana Tat, Therese Doan, and Ellen G. Levine. "Qualitative Exploration of Sexual Health Among Diverse Breast Cancer Survivors."(link is external) Journal of Cancer Education (2016): 1-8.
- with Fangyu Chou, Lily Y. Kuang, Jeannette Lee, and Lei-Chun Fung. "Challenges in cancer self-management of patients with limited English proficiency."(link is external) Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing 3(3) 259-265.
- with Dale Maglalang, Sophia Hernandez Mortera, Jeff Henne, Rita Shiau, and Melissa A. Sanchez. "Changing Attitudes towards Hepatitis B among Asian Americans: From Saving Face to Getting Serious." California Journal of Health Promotion, 13, no. 3 (2015): 34-45.
- with Anantha Sudhakar, Mai Nhung Le, and Ellen G. Levine. "Exploring Coping Strategies Among Young Asian American Women Breast Cancer Survivors." (link is external)Journal of Cancer Education (2015): 1-8.
- and Yeon-Shim Lee, Anoshua Chaudhuri. "Caring from Afar: Asian H1B Migrant Workers and Aging Parents.(link is external)"Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 30(3), 319-331.
- and Ellen G. Levine, Stephen Vong,. "Development and Initial Validation of a Spiritual Support Subscale for the MOS Social Support Survey." Journal of Religion and Health (2015): 1-12.
- and Barbara W. Kim, "Adult Children of Korean Immigrants: Maintaining Language and Negotiating Ethnic Identities through Generations." KAERA Research Forum. 2015.
- "Health" Keywords for Asian American Studies. Ed. by Cathy J Schlund-Vials, Linda Trinh Vo, and K. Scott Wong. New York: NYU Press.
- and Rebecca M. Carabez, J. Anthony Swanner, and Minh Ho. “Knowledge and Fears among Asian Americans Chronically Infected with Hepatitis B.”(link is external) Journal of Cancer Education (Jan.).
- and Barbara W. Kim. Caring across Generations: The Linked Lives of Korean American Families.New York: New York University Press.
- and Ellen G. Levine and Rena Pasick. “Breast Cancer and Coping among Women of Color: A Systematic Review of the Literature.”(link is external) Supportive Care in Cancer 22(3), 811-824.
- and Elaine Musselman, Yeon-Shim Lee, & Darlene Yee-Melichar. (2014). Addressing Health Disparities Among Older Asian Americans: Data and Diversity. Generations, 38(4), 74-81.
- and Soonhee Roh, Yeon-Shim Lee, Kyoung Hag Lee, and Tazuko Shibusawa. “Friends, Depressive Symptoms, and Life Satisfaction among Older Korean Americans.” Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health (May).
- and Rebecca M. Carabez, Ted Fang, Kelvin Quan, and Richard So. “Curbing the Hepatitis B Epidemic in Asian American Communities: Engaging Local Hospitals.” CA Journal of Health Promotion 11.3 (Dec. 2013): 14-24.
- and Beverly Lynn and Ellen G. Levine. “’Trust in the Lord’: Religious and Spiritual Practices of African American Breast Cancer Survivors.” Journal of Religion and Health (July).
- with Sachiko Wood. “Challenges and Opportunities for Improving Health in the Korean American Community. Handbook of Asian American Health. Ed. Grace J. Yoo, Mai Nhung Le, and Alan Y. Oda. New York: Springer Publishing. 73-85
- co-edited with Mai Nhung Le and Alan Y. Oda. Handbook of Asian American Health. New York: Springer Publishing.
- "Harada House" Asian Americans: An Encyclopedia of Social, Cultural, Economic, and Political History, Ed by Xiaojian Zhao, Edward J.W. Park Ph.D., ABC-CLIO, Nov 26, 2013
- with Ted Fang, Janet Zola, and Wei Ming Dariotis. “De-stigmatizing Hepatitis B in the Asian American Community: Lessons Learned from the San Francisco Hep B Free Campaign.” Journal of Cancer Education 27.1 (2012): 138-144.
- with Jason Chung and Darryl Choy. “The Growing Popularity of Korean Soap Operas among Asian Americans.” Koreans in America: History, Identity, and Community. Ed. Grace J. Yoo. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing. 233-243.
- Ed. Koreans in America: History, Identity, and Community. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing.
- with Regina Lagman, Ellen Levine, Kira Donnell, and Holly Lim. “Leaving It Up to God: Spirituality and Religion among Filipina Immigrant Breast Cancer Survivors.” Journal of Religion and Health. (2012): 1-12.
- with Margaret Rhee. “'It's for the Family': Negotiation Love and Marriage within Korean American Families.” Koreans in America: History, Identity, and Community. Ed. Grace J. Yoo. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing.149-155.
- with Wei Ming Dariotis. “Obama Mamas and Mixed Race: Hoping for âA More Perfect Union.’” Obama and the Biracial Factor: The Battle for a New American Majority. Ed. Andrew Jolivette. UK: Policy Press.
with Mai-Nhung Le, Stephen Vong, Regina Lagman, and Amy Lam. “Cervical Cancer Screening: Attitudes and Behaviors of Young Asian American Women. Journal of Cancer Education 26.4 (2011): 740-746.
- with Barbara Kim. “Remembering Sacrifices: Attitudes and Beliefs among Second Generation Korean Americans Regarding Family Support.” Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 25.2 (2010): 165-181.
- with Caryn Aviv, Ellen G. Levine, Cheryl Ewing, and Alfred Au. "Emotion work: disclosing cancer." Supportive Care in Cancer 18, no. 2 (2010): 205-215.
- with Ellen G. Levine, Caryn Aviv, Cheryl Ewing, and Alfred Au. "Older women, breast cancer, and social support." Supportive Care in Cancer 18, no. 12 (2010): 1521-1530.
- with Ranjita Misra and Simona C. Kwon. "Overview of health: understanding wellness and disease." Encyclopedia of Asian American issues today 1 (2010).
- co-edited with Edith Chen. Encyclopedia of Asian American Issues Today. 2 vols. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Publishing.
- with Ellen G., Caryn Aviv, Cheryl Ewing, and Alfred Au. "The benefits of prayer on mood and well-being of breast cancer survivors." Supportive Care in Cancer 17, no. 3 (2009): 295-306.
- with Barbara Kim. “Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Saving for Health and the Future.” Korean American Economy and Community in the 21st Century. Ed. E. Yu H. Kim, K. Park, and M.D. Oh. Los Angeles: Korean American Economic Development Center. 545-570.
- "Immigrants and welfare: policy constructions of deservingness." Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 6.4 (2008): 490-507.
- with Barbara Kim. “Korean Immigrants and Health Care Access: Implications for the Uninsured and Underinsured.” Research in the Sociology of Health Care 25 (2008): 77-94.
- with Kyung Lim, Jenie Kayser-Jones, and Catherine Waters. “Aging, Health, and Physical Activity in Korean Americans.” Geriatric Nursing 28.2 (2007): 112-119.
- with Julian Chun-Chung Chow and Catherine Vu. (2007). Welfare Reform and the Delivery of Welfare-to-Work Programs to AAPIs: What Works?. AAPI Nexus: Policy, Practice and Community, 5(2), 77-97.
- with Sabrina Wong and Anita Stewart. “The Changing Meanings of Family Support among Older Chinese and Korean Immigrants. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 61.1 (2006): S4-S9.
- "Health and Behavior among Immigrant Youth." Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 35, no. 6 (2006): 622-623.
with Sabrina Wong and Anita Stewart. “Examining the Types of Social Support and the Actual Sources of Support in Older Chinese and Korean Immigrants. International Journal of Aging and Human Development 61.2 (2005): 105-112.
“The Not-So Forgotten War: Memories of Older Korean Immigrant Women. Peace Review 16.2 (2004): 169-179.
“The Fight to Save Welfare for Low-Income Older Asian Immigrants: The Role of National Asian American Organizations.” AAPI Nexus 1.1 (2003): 85-100.
"Constructing deservingness: Federal Welfare Reform, Supplemental Security Income, and Elderly immigrants." Journal of Aging & Social Policy 13.4 (2002): 17-34.
- "Shaping public perceptions of immigrants on welfare: the role of editorial pages of major US newspapers." International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 21.7 (2001): 47-62.
- "Forever Foreigners or Honorary Whites: The Asian Ethnic Experience Today, and: Struggles for Ethnic Identity: Narratives by Asian American Professionals (review)." Journal of Asian American Studies 4.2 (2001): 182-186.
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