Ben Kobashigawa, PhD
Professor Ben Kobashigawa retired after 30 years of service to the department of Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University.
Emeritus Faculty Biography
- PhD University of Edinburgh, Scotland, Sociology
- MA University of Michigan, Economics
- BA University of California at Los Angeles, Linguistics
Japanese American history, critical social theory, race and class, Okinawan diaspora
- 210 History of Asians in the United States
- 211 Contemporary Asian Americans
- 330 Nikkei in the United States
- 333 Japanese American Identities
- 510 Asian Americans in California
- 681 Asian American Community Changes and Development
- 697 Proseminar in Asian American Studies
- 710 Critical Approaches to Asian American Studies
- 800 Theory and History in Asian American Studies
- 810 Seminar: Asian American Immigration
- 880 Selected Topics Seminar: Asian Thought in the West
- ETHS 700: History of US People of Color
- ETHS 710: Theories and Concepts in Ethnic Studies
1992-1996 Minkan taishi (“Goodwill Ambassador”), Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
- Balagtasan Collective, organizer (promote social change through art)
- Bayan-USA, Northern California Regional Coordinator (international alliance of multi-sectoral National Democratic progressive Pilipino organizations)
- 8th wonder, Cultural Worker, poet (Pilipino performance poetry collective)
- Filipinos for Global Justice Not War Coalition, media liaison (anti-war coalition)
- Gabriela Network, advocate (against sex trafficking of women and children)
- International League of Peoples’ Struggles (ILPS)-Northern California, Youth and Student Representative
- Katipunan-USA organizer (humanitarian and philanthropic work with the Philippines)
- Radical Women Bay Area, advocate (international socialist feminist organization)
- Sisterz of the Underground member (hip hop women collective)
- Japanese American National Library, Board of Directors and President
- Japantown Economic Development and Social Heritage, Organizing Committee
- San Francisco Okinawan Kenjinkai (formerly, Northern California)
- Previous Community Involvement: International Society for Ryukyu Studies, San Francisco Japantown Task Force, Okinawa Club of America, History Committee
- Edison Uno Institute for Nikkei and Uchinanchu Studies (EUINUS), Co-director
- Acting Chair, American Indian Studies Department (Fall 2013)
- Former AAS MA Program Coordinator (2006-09, Spring 2011)
- Acting Director, Race and Resistance Studies Program (AY 2007-08, Fall 2008)
Genealogy of the Shô Lineage: The Nakayama Family Line. Translation and notes by Ben Kobashigawa and Yoko Fukumura. San Francisco: Kay Matsuda (private publication).
- “Hideo, the Artist’s Life and Work.” Hideo Kobashigawa, A Retrospective: A Kibei Nisei Artist’s Life and Dream. Exhibit catalog. Okinawa.
- Supplement to the Karl G. Yoneda Papers [catalog]. Japanese American Research Project Collection, Special Collections, University Research Library, University of California at Los Angeles. 2000 July 31.
“Demographic Analysis of the San Francisco Bay Area Nikkei Population Part I and II.” San Francisco Japantown Planning, Preservation and Development Task Force. May 28 (Part I) and July 12 (Part II), August 1999.
"The Case for Class: Introduction to Political Economy of Asian American Communities in the San Francisco Bay Area." Teaching Asian America: Diversity and the Problem of Community. Ed. Lane Ryo Hirabayashi. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
"Okinawan Issei Identity: Pride and Shame among the Early Immigrants." Reflections on the Okinawan Experience: Essays Commemorating 100 Years of Okinawan Immigration. Ed. Ronald Y. Nakasone. Fremont, CA: Dharma Cloud Publishers.
Genealogy of the Surname “So” Family (From Kengi the Founder): The Okushima Family Line, an annotated text by Yabu Kenjirô. Trans. with supplementary notes by Ben Kobashigawa and Yoko Fukumura. San Francisco: Miyuki Yasui (private publication).
"The Okinawan Immigrant Left in the United States Before World War Two." Contacts between Cultures, Eastern Asia: History and Social Sciences. Vol. 4. Queenston, Ontario: Edwin Mellen Press.
- History of the Okinawans in North America, by The Okinawa Club of America. Trans. with an Introduction by Ben Kobashigawa. Los Angeles: Asian American Studies Center, UCLA and The Okinawa Club of North America.
- Karl. G. Yoneda Papers [annotated catalog]. Japanese American Research Project Collection, Special Collections, University Research Library, University of California at Los Angeles.
"On the 'History of Okinawans in America.'" Amerasia 12.2 (1985-86): 29-42.
Imin no Aiwa [Sad Tale of an Immigrant], by Kochi Shinsei. Trans. with an Introduction by Ben Kobashigawa. Los Angeles: The Okinawan Community.
with S.E. Berki. “Alternative Regression Approaches to the Analysis of Medical Care Survey Data.” Medical Care 15:5 (May 1977).
with S.E. Berki. “Socioeconomic and Need Determinants of Ambulatory Care Use: Path Analysis of the 1970 Health Interview Survey Data.” Medical Care 14:5 (May 1976).
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